Monday, January 10, 2011

The rust belt goes south.

The past few months have been chaotic for me to say the least. My wife moved to Texas in september which left me in New York until mid december when I completed my degree. During those three months Aaron and I continued to brew. Sadly I was very busy with school and moving preparations so I neglected to blog about any of our exploits.

To briefly sum up what happened last fall we brewed several batches. Including a Bavarian Dunkelweizen, and a Spiced Holiday Fruit Cake Ale (which was fermented with a variety of dehydrated fuit). I also showed a friend how to brew with a recipe roughly based on an English Pale Ale (roughly because it was more so based on what hops and malt I had floating around at the time).

So now that there is about 1600 miles between my brewing buddies and myself, Aaron has decided to start a blog of his own and I am going to continue with this. I'm sure that Aarons blog will have more activity that RBCB over the next few months as I am in the process of job hunting and settling into a new city. There will be alot more activity on the blog this spring. Until then check out Aarons adventures here.

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